« Cabinet of curiosities »

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My wife’s shells collection. Sounds like a cabinet of curiosities, huh ?

« Opera Rendez-vous »

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Just a composition with an old black wired phone, an illustrated book and the wonderful opera binoculars from my grand father.

« Faded Rose »

Some days ago, my 6 years daughter wanted me to buy her a rose at a local shop. She explained me that I always buy flower to her mother and never to herself. Now, the rose is faded and I try to make with it a nice composition !

« Time for the French insight »

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An old small clock and beautiful bookbindings.

« Lavender and ScoutBox Lumiere Camera »

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Some of my father in law’s lavender & an old french ScoutBox Camera from the 30′s

« Old watering can and romantic letter »

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A nice picture with an old charming watering can that I found today at a second hand shop in Brussels.

« Garfishes and carrots »

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Hi, do you know what is a garfish ? I didn’t know that fish this morning. And, this afternoon, i am happy to show you a new still life photo that i made with two garfishes beauties. My wife will be happy tonight when i ‘m going to prepare the dinner ! Enjoy !

Exhibition in Brussels : Toni Catany – Autels Profanes

Going back in history to the early days of the Emperor Hadrian, we realize that the vast majority of ‘still lifes’ are much more than strictly formal compositions, more or less well integrating inanimate objects. In most cases, using a metaphor and symbolism that may be obscure to the unbelievers, they express feelings, moods, while ...

« Jug and strawberries »

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Just another still life photo with a beautiful enamelled jug in a delicate cream color that i bought this last sunday at a flea market in Brussels.

« Where the Wild roses Grow »

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This is sunday. And sunday means photo ! I wanted to buy this morning a flower and my choice was a lovely rose. Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds inspired me about the title of course !